Simplifying Asset Tracking Experiences

Digital asset management is becoming increasingly important for every business. This utility allows the user to search, find the SharePoint site documents, and filter documents using metadata. Utilize various metadata to enhance your search for relevant files and information.

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Asset Tracking Features

Search bar

In the dashboard, a search bar is available so that you can search and find the name of the asset you are looking for. 

Quick Access tab

Quick access to all options like add, edit, delete, filter, sort, and view the assets added to the system.

Simply Assign asset

Option to assign the asset to people by entering name/email.

Asset Status

It has a more optimized asset track feature to track the status of the asset. 

Asset Report Download

In asset management, you get the option to get an excel report of the assets. 

Asset Tracking Classic Features

Asset Lifecycle Management

Effective asset lifecycle management as a software feature is designed to help maximize the lifecycle of an organization’s fixed assets

Inventory Management

Inventory management can be a useful tool for warehousing operations. It can help to track, manage and control inventory all from a single dashboard.

Tracking Technologies

To manage inventory effectively, assets need to be tracked efficiently.

Asset Check-in and Check-out

This software feature is extremely useful for tracking the whereabouts of assets as they travel from department to department, or from site to site.

Asset Discovery

Asset discovery is mainly used in IT management software. This feature helps to identify all assets within the same network.

Maintenance Management

If a small business needs to perform regular maintenance on its assets, a Computer Maintenance Management System can help

Asset Tracking Service Options

  • On-premises (SharePoint Server 2016 or 2019).
  • Cloud (SharePoint Online).
  • Hybrid

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  • Third-party platform – SharePoint On-premises.
  • Third-party platform – SharePoint Online.
  • SharePoint Server 2013, 2016, 2019 – SharePoint Online/Office 365.

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  • Intranet branding to promote corporate values and maintain consistency of your digital environment.
  • Intranet redesign via creating custom web parts and add-ins to help it regain popularity among users.
