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Most of the SharePoint features are available to use at multiple sections. It helps the user to not to navigate to multiple locations to get done what he wants to do.

What is the difference between SharePoint Modern Page and News Posts?

All the SharePoint modern news posts are modern site pages. But not all the SharePoint modern site pages are news posts.
Don’t be confused, let me come again. All the SharePoint news posts are created in the background as a SharePoint modern page by default, But if we create a SharePoint modern page it’s not a news post by default.
This differentiation is handled by one of the page properties called “PromotedState”. If the promoted state of the modern site page is set to “2” then it is converted as a modern news post.

4 ways to create SharePoint modern page

Creating modern page from Home Page:
Create a modern page right away from the Home page of any site like below, using the “+ New” dropdown.

Creating modern page from anywhere using settings gear icon:
Click on the settings gear icon just next to your profile picture in the top Microsoft 365 banner.

Creating modern page from Site Contents:

Go to the site contents of any page and create a modern page from using the “+ New” dropdown, same like Home Page.

Creating modern page from Site Pages library:
Finally, the library which saves the modern pages/news within SharePoint can also be used to create the modern site page.

3 ways to create SharePoint modern news post

Creating modern news post from home page
This is the direct way of creating a SharePoint news post. Go to home page of the site and click the “+ New” dropdown and click “News Post” option like below,

Creating modern news post from News webpart
Go to the page where you have added out of the news webpart and click the new button at the top like below

Converting site page as news post
Open any modern page from your site and choose the “Promote” option at the top in the command bar

In the upcoming panel popup choose, “Post as News on this site”

I hope this article helps you to understand the difference between the SharePoint modern pages and news post. Also, you have got an idea about creating SharePoint modern pages and news posts using different out-of-the-box options.

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